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FHIR Repository Search

_content Search on the entire content of the resource
_filter This is the formal declaration for the _filter parameter, documented at [http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html](http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html)
_id Logical id of this artifact
_lastUpdated When the resource version last changed on given date (yyyy-mm-dd)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
_profile Profiles this resource claims to conform to
_query A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
_security Security Labels applied to this resource
_source Identifies where the resource comes from
_tag Tags applied to this resource
_text Search on the narrative of the resource
agent-role What the agents role was
agent-type How the agent participated
recorded When the activity was recorded / updated on given date (yyyy-mm-dd)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
signature-type Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
when When the activity occurred on given date (yyyy-mm-dd)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
agent (Practitioner / Organization / Device / Patient / PractitionerRole / RelatedPerson):
_content Search on the entire content of the resource
_filter This is the formal declaration for the _filter parameter, documented at [http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html](http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html)
_id Logical id of this artifact
_lastUpdated (exact) When the resource version last changed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
_profile Profiles this resource claims to conform to
_query A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
_security Security Labels applied to this resource
_source Identifies where the resource comes from
_tag Tags applied to this resource
_text Search on the narrative of the resource
device-name A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type.
din The donation identification number (DIN)
identifier Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others
location A location, where the resource is found
manufacturer The manufacturer of the device
model The model of the device
organization The organization responsible for the device
patient Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person
status active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
type The type of the device
udi-carrier UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format.
udi-di The udi Device Identifier (DI)
url Network address to contact device
active Is the Organization record active
address A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text
address-city A city specified in an address
address-country A country specified in an address
address-postalcode A postal code specified in an address
address-state A state specified in an address
address-use A use code specified in an address
endpoint Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization
name A portion of the organization's name or alias
partof An organization of which this organization forms a part
phonetic A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
age Searches for patients based on age as calculated based on current date and date of birth. Deceased patients are excluded from the search.
birthOrderBoolean Search based on whether a patient was part of a multiple birth or not.
birthdate (exact) The patient's date of birth
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
death-date (exact) The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
deceased This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered
email A value in an email contact
family A portion of the family name of the patient
gender Gender of the patient
general-practitioner Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record
given A portion of the given name of the patient
language Language code (irrespective of use value)
link All patients linked to the given patient
mothersMaidenName Search based on patient's mother's maiden name
part-agree Search by url for a participation agreement, which is stored in a DocumentReference
phone A value in a phone contact
telecom The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient
communication One of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with
date (exact) The period during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
practitioner Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization
role The practitioner can perform this role at for the organization
service The list of healthcare services that this worker provides for this role's Organization/Location(s)
specialty The practitioner has this specialty at an organization
relationship The relationship between the patient and the relatedperson
entity (--None-- / Account / ActivityDefinition / AdverseEvent / AllergyIntolerance / Appointment / AppointmentResponse / AuditEvent / Basic / Binary / BiologicallyDerivedProduct / BodyStructure / Bundle / CapabilityStatement / CarePlan / CareTeam / CatalogEntry / ChargeItem / ChargeItemDefinition / Claim / ClaimResponse / ClinicalImpression / CodeSystem / Communication / CommunicationRequest / CompartmentDefinition / Composition / ConceptMap / Condition / Consent / Contract / Coverage / CoverageEligibilityRequest / CoverageEligibilityResponse / DetectedIssue / Device / DeviceDefinition / DeviceMetric / DeviceRequest / DeviceUseStatement / DiagnosticReport / DocumentManifest / DocumentReference / EffectEvidenceSynthesis / Encounter / Endpoint / EnrollmentRequest / EnrollmentResponse / EpisodeOfCare / EventDefinition / Evidence / EvidenceVariable / ExampleScenario / ExplanationOfBenefit / FamilyMemberHistory / Flag / Goal / GraphDefinition / Group / GuidanceResponse / HealthcareService / ImagingStudy / Immunization / ImmunizationEvaluation / ImmunizationRecommendation / ImplementationGuide / InsurancePlan / Invoice / Library / Linkage / List / Location / Measure / MeasureReport / Media / Medication / MedicationAdministration / MedicationDispense / MedicationKnowledge / MedicationRequest / MedicationStatement / MedicinalProduct / MedicinalProductAuthorization / MedicinalProductContraindication / MedicinalProductIndication / MedicinalProductIngredient / MedicinalProductInteraction / MedicinalProductManufactured / MedicinalProductPackaged / MedicinalProductPharmaceutical / MedicinalProductUndesirableEffect / MessageDefinition / MessageHeader / MolecularSequence / NamingSystem / NutritionOrder / Observation / ObservationDefinition / OperationDefinition / OperationOutcome / Organization / OrganizationAffiliation / Parameters / Patient / PaymentNotice / PaymentReconciliation / Person / PlanDefinition / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / Procedure / Provenance / Questionnaire / QuestionnaireResponse / RelatedPerson / RequestGroup / ResearchDefinition / ResearchElementDefinition / ResearchStudy / ResearchSubject / RiskAssessment / RiskEvidenceSynthesis / Schedule / SearchParameter / ServiceRequest / Slot / Specimen / SpecimenDefinition / StructureDefinition / StructureMap / Subscription / Substance / SubstanceNucleicAcid / SubstancePolymer / SubstanceProtein / SubstanceReferenceInformation / SubstanceSourceMaterial / SubstanceSpecification / SupplyDelivery / SupplyRequest / Task / TerminologyCapabilities / TestReport / TestScript / ValueSet / VerificationResult / VisionPrescription / Custom):
_content Search on the entire content of the resource
_filter This is the formal declaration for the _filter parameter, documented at [http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html](http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html)
_id Logical id of this artifact
_lastUpdated (exact) When the resource version last changed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
_profile Profiles this resource claims to conform to
_query A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
_security Security Labels applied to this resource
_source Identifies where the resource comes from
_tag Tags applied to this resource
_text Search on the narrative of the resource
identifier Account number
name Human-readable label
owner Entity managing the Account
patient The entity that caused the expenses
period (exact) Transaction window
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
status active | inactive | entered-in-error | on-hold | unknown
subject The entity that caused the expenses
type E.g. patient, expense, depreciation
composed-of What resource is being referenced
context A use context assigned to the activity definition
context-quantity A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition
context-type A type of use context assigned to the activity definition
context-type-quantity A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition
context-type-value A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition
date (exact) The activity definition publication date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
depends-on What resource is being referenced
derived-from What resource is being referenced
description The description of the activity definition
effective (exact) The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
jurisdiction Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition
predecessor What resource is being referenced
publisher Name of the publisher of the activity definition
successor What resource is being referenced
title The human-friendly name of the activity definition
topic Topics associated with the module
url The uri that identifies the activity definition
version The business version of the activity definition
actuality actual | potential
category product-problem | product-quality | product-use-error | wrong-dose | incorrect-prescribing-information | wrong-technique | wrong-route-of-administration | wrong-rate | wrong-duration | wrong-time | expired-drug | medical-device-use-error | problem-different-manufacturer | unsafe-physical-environment
event Type of the event itself in relation to the subject
location Location where adverse event occurred
recorder Who recorded the adverse event
resultingcondition Effect on the subject due to this event
seriousness Seriousness of the event
severity mild | moderate | severe
study AdverseEvent.study
substance Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event
asserter Source of the information about the allergy
clinical-status active | inactive | resolved
code Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance
criticality low | high | unable-to-assess
last-date (exact) Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
manifestation Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event
onset (exact) Date(/time) when manifestations showed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
route How the subject was exposed to the substance
verification-status unconfirmed | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error
actor Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment
appointment-type The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)
based-on The service request this appointment is allocated to assess
part-status The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.
practitioner One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner
reason-code Coded reason this appointment is scheduled
reason-reference Reason the appointment is to take place (resource)
service-category A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment
service-type The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment
slot The slots that this appointment is filling
specialty The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment
supporting-info Additional information to support the appointment
appointment The appointment that the response is attached to
action Type of action performed during the event
address Identifier for the network access point of the user device
agent Identifier of who
agent-name Human friendly name for the agent
agent-role Agent role in the event
altid Alternative User identity
entity Specific instance of resource
entity-name Descriptor for entity
entity-role What role the entity played
entity-type Type of entity involved
outcome Whether the event succeeded or failed
policy Policy that authorized event
site Logical source location within the enterprise
source The identity of source detecting the event
subtype More specific type/id for the event
author Who created
created (exact) When created
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
morphology Kind of Structure
composition The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "document" - this is a composition, and this parameter provides access to search its contents
message The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "message" - this is a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents
timestamp (exact) When the bundle was assembled
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
fhirversion The version of FHIR
format formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)
guide Implementation guides supported
mode Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)
resource Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement
resource-profile A profile id invoked in a capability statement
security-service OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates
software Part of the name of a software application
supported-profile Profiles for use cases supported
activity-code Detail type of activity
activity-date (exact) Specified date occurs within period specified by CarePlan.activity.detail.scheduled[x]
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
activity-reference Activity details defined in specific resource
care-team Who's involved in plan?
condition Health issues this plan addresses
encounter Encounter created as part of
goal Desired outcome of plan
instantiates-canonical Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
instantiates-uri Instantiates external protocol or definition
intent proposal | plan | order | option
part-of Part of referenced CarePlan
performer Matches if the practitioner is listed as a performer in any of the "simple" activities. (For performers of the detailed activities, chain through the activitydetail search parameter.)
replaces CarePlan replaced by this CarePlan
participant Who is involved
account Account to place this charge
entered-date (exact) Date the charge item was entered
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
enterer Individual who was entering
factor-override Factor overriding the associated rules
occurrence (exact) When the charged service was applied
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
performer-actor Individual who was performing
performer-function What type of performance was done
performing-organization Organization providing the charged service
price-override Price overriding the associated rules
quantity Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced
requesting-organization Organization requesting the charged service
service Which rendered service is being charged?
detail-udi UDI associated with a line item, detail product or service
facility Facility where the products or services have been or will be provided
insurer The target payor/insurer for the Claim
item-udi UDI associated with a line item product or service
payee The party receiving any payment for the Claim
priority Processing priority requested
procedure-udi UDI associated with a procedure
provider Provider responsible for the Claim
subdetail-udi UDI associated with a line item, detail, subdetail product or service
use The kind of financial resource
disposition The contents of the disposition message
payment-date (exact) The expected payment date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
request The claim reference
requestor The Provider of the claim
assessor The clinician performing the assessment
finding-code What was found
finding-ref What was found
investigation Record of a specific investigation
previous Reference to last assessment
problem Relevant impressions of patient state
content-mode not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement
language A language in which a designation is provided
supplements Find code system supplements for the referenced code system
system The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')
medium A channel of communication
received (exact) When received
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
recipient Message recipient
sender Message sender
sent (exact) When sent
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
authored (exact) When request transitioned to being actionable
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
group-identifier Composite request this is part of
requester Who/what is requesting service
attester Who attested the composition
confidentiality As defined by affinity domain
entry A reference to data that supports this section
related-id Target of the relationship
related-ref Target of the relationship
section Classification of section (recommended)
dependson Reference to property mapping depends on
other canonical reference to an additional ConceptMap to use for mapping if the source concept is unmapped
product Reference to property mapping depends on
source-code Identifies element being mapped
source-system Source system where concepts to be mapped are defined
source-uri The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped
target The target value set which provides context for the mappings
target-code Code that identifies the target element
target-system Target system that the concepts are to be mapped to
target-uri The target value set which provides context for the mappings
abatement-age Abatement as age or age range
abatement-date (exact) Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
abatement-string Abatement as a string
body-site Anatomical location, if relevant
evidence Manifestation/symptom
evidence-detail Supporting information found elsewhere
onset-age Onsets as age or age range
onset-date (exact) Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
onset-info Onsets as a string
recorded-date (exact) Date record was first recorded
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
stage Simple summary (disease specific)
consentor Who is agreeing to the policy and rules
data The actual data reference
organization Custodian of the consent
purpose Context of activities covered by this rule
scope Which of the four areas this resource covers (extensible)
security-label Security Labels that define affected resources
source-reference Search by reference to a Consent, DocumentReference, Contract or QuestionnaireResponse
authority The authority of the contract
domain The domain of the contract
instantiates A source definition of the contract
issued (exact) The date/time the contract was issued
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
signer Contract Signatory Party
beneficiary Covered party
class-type Coverage class (eg. plan, group)
class-value Value of the class (eg. Plan number, group number)
dependent Dependent number
payor The identity of the insurer or party paying for services
policy-holder Reference to the policyholder
subscriber Reference to the subscriber
identified (exact) When identified
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
implicated Problem resource
device-name A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type.
din The donation identification number (DIN)
manufacturer The manufacturer of the device
model The model of the device
udi-carrier UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format.
udi-di The udi Device Identifier (DI)
parent The parent DeviceDefinition resource
authored-on (exact) When the request transitioned to being actionable
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
device Reference to resource that is being requested/ordered
event-date (exact) When service should occur
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
insurance Associated insurance coverage
prior-request Request takes the place of referenced completed or terminated requests
assessed-condition Condition assessed by genetic test
conclusion A coded conclusion (interpretation/impression) on the report
media A reference to the image source.
result Link to an atomic result (observation resource)
results-interpreter Who was the source of the report
specimen The specimen details
item Items in manifest
authenticator Who/what authenticated the document
contenttype Mime type of the content, with charset etc.
custodian Organization which maintains the document
related Related identifiers or resources
relatesto Target of the relationship
relation replaces | transforms | signs | appends
relationship Combination of relation and relatesTo
setting Additional details about where the content was created (e.g. clinical specialty)
class Classification of patient encounter
diagnosis The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
episode-of-care Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
length Length of encounter in days
location-period (exact) Time period during which the patient was present at the location
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
participant-type Role of participant in encounter
service-provider The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
special-arrangement Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.
connection-type Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection
payload-type The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)
care-manager Care manager/care coordinator for the patient
incoming-referral Incoming Referral Request
claim The reference to the claim
coverage The plan under which the claim was adjudicated
sex A search by a sex code of a family member
achievement-status in-progress | improving | worsening | no-change | achieved | sustaining | not-achieved | no-progress | not-attainable
lifecycle-status proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected
start-date (exact) When goal pursuit begins
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
target-date (exact) Reach goal on or before
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
start Type of resource at which the graph starts
actual Descriptive or actual
characteristic Kind of characteristic
characteristic-value A composite of both characteristic and value
exclude Group includes or excludes
managing-entity Entity that is the custodian of the Group's definition
member Reference to the group member
value Value held by characteristic
active The Healthcare Service is currently marked as active
coverage-area Location(s) service is intended for/available to
endpoint Technical endpoints providing access to electronic services operated for the healthcare service
program One of the Programs supported by this HealthcareService
basedon The order for the image
bodysite The body site studied
dicom-class The type of the instance
instance SOP Instance UID for an instance
interpreter Who interpreted the images
modality The modality of the series
reason The reason for the study
referrer The referring physician
series DICOM Series Instance UID for a series
started (exact) When the study was started
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
lot-number Vaccine Lot Number
reaction Additional information on reaction
reaction-date (exact) When reaction started
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
status-reason Reason why the vaccine was not administered
target-disease The target disease the dose is being administered against
vaccine-code Vaccine Product Administered
dose-status The status of the dose relative to published recommendations
immunization-event The vaccine administration event being evaluated
information Patient observations supporting recommendation
support Past immunizations supporting recommendation
vaccine-type Vaccine or vaccine group recommendation applies to
experimental For testing purposes, not real usage
global Profile that all resources must conform to
address-city A city specified in an address
address-country A country specified in an address
address-postalcode A postal code specified in an address
address-state A state specified in an address
address-use A use code specified in an address
administered-by Product administrator
owned-by An organization of which this organization forms a part
phonetic A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
issuer Issuing Organization of Invoice
participant-role Type of involvement in creation of this Invoice
totalgross Gross total of this Invoice
totalnet Net total of this Invoice
content-type The type of content in the library (e.g. text/cql)
empty-reason Why list is empty
notes The annotation - text content (as markdown)
near Search for locations where the location.position is near to, or within a specified distance of, the provided coordinates expressed as [latitude]|[longitude]|[distance]|[units] (using the WGS84 datum, see notes). If the units are omitted, then kms should be assumed. If the distance is omitted, then the server can use its own discretion as to what distances should be considered near (and units are irrelevant) Servers may search using various techniques that might have differing accuracies, depending on implementation efficiency. Requires the near-distance parameter to be provided also
operational-status Searches for locations (typically bed/room) that have an operational status (e.g. contaminated, housekeeping)
partof A location of which this location is a part
evaluated-resource An evaluated resource referenced by the measure report
measure The measure to return measure report results for
reporter The reporter to return measure report results for
operator The person who generated the image
view Imaging view, e.g. Lateral or Antero-posterior
expiration-date (exact) Returns medications in a batch with this expiration date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
form Returns medications for a specific dose form
ingredient Returns medications for this ingredient reference
ingredient-code Returns medications for this ingredient code
effective-time (exact) Date administration happened (or did not happen)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
medication Return administrations of this medication resource
reason-given Reasons for administering the medication
reason-not-given Reasons for not administering the medication
destination Returns dispenses that should be sent to a specific destination
prescription The identity of a prescription to list dispenses from
receiver The identity of a receiver to list dispenses for
responsibleparty Returns dispenses with the specified responsible party
whenhandedover (exact) Returns dispenses handed over on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
whenprepared (exact) Returns dispenses prepared on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
classification Specific category assigned to the medication
classification-type The type of category for the medication (for example, therapeutic classification, therapeutic sub-classification)
doseform powder | tablets | capsule +
monitoring-program-name Name of the reviewing program
monitoring-program-type Type of program under which the medication is monitored
monograph Associated documentation about the medication
monograph-type The category of medication document
source-cost The source or owner for the price information
authoredon (exact) Return prescriptions written on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
intended-dispenser Returns prescriptions intended to be dispensed by this Organization
intended-performer Returns the intended performer of the administration of the medication request
intended-performertype Returns requests for a specific type of performer
name-language Language code for this name
country The country in which the marketing authorization has been granted
holder Marketing Authorization Holder
target-species Coded expression for the species
focus A resource that is a permitted focus of the message
destination-uri Actual destination address or id
response-id Id of original message
responsible Final responsibility for event
chromosome Chromosome number of the reference sequence
chromosome-variant-coordinate Search parameter by chromosome and variant coordinate. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `chromosome-variant-coordinate=1$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with variants on chromosome 1 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region 1:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region 1:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
chromosome-window-coordinate Search parameter by chromosome and window. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `chromosome-window-coordinate=1$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with a window on chromosome 1 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region 1:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region 1:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
referenceseqid Reference Sequence of the sequence
referenceseqid-variant-coordinate Search parameter by reference sequence and variant coordinate. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `referenceSeqId-variant-coordinate=NC_000001.11$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with variants on NC_000001.11 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
referenceseqid-window-coordinate Search parameter by reference sequence and window. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `referenceSeqId-window-coordinate=NC_000001.11$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with a window on NC_000001.11 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
variant-end End position (0-based exclusive, which menas the acid at this position will not be included, 1-based inclusive, which means the acid at this position will be included) of the variant.
variant-start Start position (0-based inclusive, 1-based inclusive, that means the nucleic acid or amino acid at this position will be included) of the variant.
window-end End position (0-based exclusive, which menas the acid at this position will not be included, 1-based inclusive, which means the acid at this position will be included) of the reference sequence.
window-start Start position (0-based inclusive, 1-based inclusive, that means the nucleic acid or amino acid at this position will be included) of the reference sequence.
contact Name of an individual to contact
id-type oid | uuid | uri | other
kind codesystem | identifier | root
telecom Contact details for individual or organization
additive Type of module component to add to the feeding
datetime (exact) Return nutrition orders requested on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
formula Type of enteral or infant formula
oraldiet Type of diet that can be consumed orally (i.e., take via the mouth).
supplement Type of supplement product requested
amino-acid-change HGVS Protein Change
code-value-concept Code and coded value parameter pair
code-value-date Code and date/time value parameter pair
code-value-quantity Code and quantity value parameter pair
code-value-string Code and string value parameter pair
combo-code The code of the observation type or component type
combo-code-value-concept Code and coded value parameter pair, including in components
combo-code-value-quantity Code and quantity value parameter pair, including in components
combo-data-absent-reason The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] or Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
combo-value-concept The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
combo-value-quantity The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
component-code The component code of the observation type
component-code-value-concept Component code and component coded value parameter pair
component-code-value-quantity Component code and component quantity value parameter pair
component-data-absent-reason The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
component-value-concept The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
component-value-quantity The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
data-absent-reason The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
dna-variant search for extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariantName
gene-amino-acid-change HGNC gene symbol and HGVS Protein change
gene-dnavariant search for extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation-geneticsDNAVariantId
gene-identifier search for extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation-geneticsGene
has-member Related resource that belongs to the Observation group
method The method used for the observation
value-concept The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
value-date (exact) The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
value-quantity The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
value-string The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text
base Marks this as a profile of the base
input-profile Validation information for in parameters
output-profile Validation information for out parameters
email A value in an email contact
network Health insurance provider network in which the participatingOrganization provides the role's services (if defined) at the indicated locations (if defined)
participating-organization The organization that provides services to the primary organization
phone A value in a phone contact
primary-organization The organization that receives the services from the participating organization
role Definition of the role the participatingOrganization plays
age Searches for patients based on age as calculated based on current date and date of birth. Deceased patients are excluded from the search.
birthOrderBoolean Search based on whether a patient was part of a multiple birth or not.
birthdate (exact) The patient's date of birth
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
death-date (exact) The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
deceased This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered
family A portion of the family name of the patient
gender Gender of the patient
general-practitioner Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record
given A portion of the given name of the patient
link All patients linked to the given patient
mothersMaidenName Search based on patient's mother's maiden name
part-agree Search by url for a participation agreement, which is stored in a DocumentReference
payment-status The type of payment notice
response The ClaimResponse
payment-issuer The organization which generated this resource
relatedperson The Person links to this RelatedPerson
definition Activity or plan definitions used by plan definition
communication One of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with
agent-type How the agent participated
recorded (exact) When the activity was recorded / updated
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
signature-type Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
when (exact) When the activity occurred
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
subject-type Resource that can be subject of QuestionnaireResponse
item-subject Allows searching for QuestionnaireResponses by item value where the item has isSubject=true
questionnaire The questionnaire the answers are provided for
keyword Used to search for the study
principalinvestigator Researcher who oversees multiple aspects of the study
protocol Steps followed in executing study
sponsor Organization that initiates and is legally responsible for the study
individual Who is part of study
probability Likelihood of specified outcome
risk Likelihood of specified outcome as a qualitative value
component Defines how the part works
performer-type Performer role
requisition Composite Request ID
schedule The Schedule Resource that we are seeking a slot within
accession The accession number associated with the specimen
collected (exact) The date the specimen was collected
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
collector Who collected the specimen
container The kind of specimen container
container-id The unique identifier associated with the specimen container
abstract Whether the structure is abstract
base-path Path that identifies the base element
derivation specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition
ext-context The system is the URL for the context-type: e.g. http://hl7.org/fhir/extension-context-type#element|CodeableConcept.text
path A path that is constrained in the StructureDefinition
valueset A vocabulary binding reference
criteria The search rules used to determine when to send a notification
payload The mime-type of the notification payload
container-identifier Identifier of the package/container
expiry (exact) Expiry date of package or container of substance
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
substance-reference A component of the substance
supplier Dispenser
business-status Search by business status
modified (exact) Search by last modification date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
tester The name of the testing organization
testscript The test script executed to produce this report
testscript-capability TestScript required and validated capability
expansion Identifies the value set expansion (business identifier)
reference A code system included or excluded in the value set or an imported value set
datewritten (exact) Return prescriptions written on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
prescriber Who authorized the vision prescription
familymemberhistorycondition Search for a history of a particular condition within a patient's family
location (Location):
_content Search on the entire content of the resource
_filter This is the formal declaration for the _filter parameter, documented at [http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html](http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html)
_id Logical id of this artifact
_lastUpdated (exact) When the resource version last changed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
_profile Profiles this resource claims to conform to
_query A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
_security Security Labels applied to this resource
_source Identifies where the resource comes from
_tag Tags applied to this resource
_text Search on the narrative of the resource
address A (part of the) address of the location
address-city A city specified in an address
address-country A country specified in an address
address-postalcode A postal code specified in an address
address-state A state specified in an address
address-use A use code specified in an address
endpoint Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location
identifier An identifier for the location
name A portion of the location's name or alias
near Search for locations where the location.position is near to, or within a specified distance of, the provided coordinates expressed as [latitude]|[longitude]|[distance]|[units] (using the WGS84 datum, see notes). If the units are omitted, then kms should be assumed. If the distance is omitted, then the server can use its own discretion as to what distances should be considered near (and units are irrelevant) Servers may search using various techniques that might have differing accuracies, depending on implementation efficiency. Requires the near-distance parameter to be provided also
operational-status Searches for locations (typically bed/room) that have an operational status (e.g. contaminated, housekeeping)
organization Searches for locations that are managed by the provided organization
partof A location of which this location is a part
status Searches for locations with a specific kind of status
type A code for the type of location
patient (Patient):
_content Search on the entire content of the resource
_filter This is the formal declaration for the _filter parameter, documented at [http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html](http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html)
_id Logical id of this artifact
_lastUpdated (exact) When the resource version last changed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
_profile Profiles this resource claims to conform to
_query A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
_security Security Labels applied to this resource
_source Identifies where the resource comes from
_tag Tags applied to this resource
_text Search on the narrative of the resource
active Whether the patient record is active
address A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text
address-city A city specified in an address
address-country A country specified in an address
address-postalcode A postalCode specified in an address
address-state A state specified in an address
address-use A use code specified in an address
age Searches for patients based on age as calculated based on current date and date of birth. Deceased patients are excluded from the search.
birthOrderBoolean Search based on whether a patient was part of a multiple birth or not.
birthdate (exact) The patient's date of birth
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
death-date (exact) The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
deceased This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered
email A value in an email contact
family A portion of the family name of the patient
gender Gender of the patient
general-practitioner Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record
given A portion of the given name of the patient
identifier A patient identifier
language Language code (irrespective of use value)
link All patients linked to the given patient
mothersMaidenName Search based on patient's mother's maiden name
name A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text
organization The organization that is the custodian of the patient record
part-agree Search by url for a participation agreement, which is stored in a DocumentReference
phone A value in a phone contact
phonetic A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
telecom The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient
target (--None-- / Account / ActivityDefinition / AdverseEvent / AllergyIntolerance / Appointment / AppointmentResponse / AuditEvent / Basic / Binary / BiologicallyDerivedProduct / BodyStructure / Bundle / CapabilityStatement / CarePlan / CareTeam / CatalogEntry / ChargeItem / ChargeItemDefinition / Claim / ClaimResponse / ClinicalImpression / CodeSystem / Communication / CommunicationRequest / CompartmentDefinition / Composition / ConceptMap / Condition / Consent / Contract / Coverage / CoverageEligibilityRequest / CoverageEligibilityResponse / DetectedIssue / Device / DeviceDefinition / DeviceMetric / DeviceRequest / DeviceUseStatement / DiagnosticReport / DocumentManifest / DocumentReference / EffectEvidenceSynthesis / Encounter / Endpoint / EnrollmentRequest / EnrollmentResponse / EpisodeOfCare / EventDefinition / Evidence / EvidenceVariable / ExampleScenario / ExplanationOfBenefit / FamilyMemberHistory / Flag / Goal / GraphDefinition / Group / GuidanceResponse / HealthcareService / ImagingStudy / Immunization / ImmunizationEvaluation / ImmunizationRecommendation / ImplementationGuide / InsurancePlan / Invoice / Library / Linkage / List / Location / Measure / MeasureReport / Media / Medication / MedicationAdministration / MedicationDispense / MedicationKnowledge / MedicationRequest / MedicationStatement / MedicinalProduct / MedicinalProductAuthorization / MedicinalProductContraindication / MedicinalProductIndication / MedicinalProductIngredient / MedicinalProductInteraction / MedicinalProductManufactured / MedicinalProductPackaged / MedicinalProductPharmaceutical / MedicinalProductUndesirableEffect / MessageDefinition / MessageHeader / MolecularSequence / NamingSystem / NutritionOrder / Observation / ObservationDefinition / OperationDefinition / OperationOutcome / Organization / OrganizationAffiliation / Parameters / Patient / PaymentNotice / PaymentReconciliation / Person / PlanDefinition / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / Procedure / Provenance / Questionnaire / QuestionnaireResponse / RelatedPerson / RequestGroup / ResearchDefinition / ResearchElementDefinition / ResearchStudy / ResearchSubject / RiskAssessment / RiskEvidenceSynthesis / Schedule / SearchParameter / ServiceRequest / Slot / Specimen / SpecimenDefinition / StructureDefinition / StructureMap / Subscription / Substance / SubstanceNucleicAcid / SubstancePolymer / SubstanceProtein / SubstanceReferenceInformation / SubstanceSourceMaterial / SubstanceSpecification / SupplyDelivery / SupplyRequest / Task / TerminologyCapabilities / TestReport / TestScript / ValueSet / VerificationResult / VisionPrescription / Custom):
_content Search on the entire content of the resource
_filter This is the formal declaration for the _filter parameter, documented at [http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html](http://hl7.org/fhir/search_filter.html)
_id Logical id of this artifact
_lastUpdated (exact) When the resource version last changed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
_profile Profiles this resource claims to conform to
_query A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
_security Security Labels applied to this resource
_source Identifies where the resource comes from
_tag Tags applied to this resource
_text Search on the narrative of the resource
identifier Account number
name Human-readable label
owner Entity managing the Account
patient The entity that caused the expenses
period (exact) Transaction window
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
status active | inactive | entered-in-error | on-hold | unknown
subject The entity that caused the expenses
type E.g. patient, expense, depreciation
composed-of What resource is being referenced
context A use context assigned to the activity definition
context-quantity A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition
context-type A type of use context assigned to the activity definition
context-type-quantity A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition
context-type-value A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition
date (exact) The activity definition publication date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
depends-on What resource is being referenced
derived-from What resource is being referenced
description The description of the activity definition
effective (exact) The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
jurisdiction Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition
predecessor What resource is being referenced
publisher Name of the publisher of the activity definition
successor What resource is being referenced
title The human-friendly name of the activity definition
topic Topics associated with the module
url The uri that identifies the activity definition
version The business version of the activity definition
actuality actual | potential
category product-problem | product-quality | product-use-error | wrong-dose | incorrect-prescribing-information | wrong-technique | wrong-route-of-administration | wrong-rate | wrong-duration | wrong-time | expired-drug | medical-device-use-error | problem-different-manufacturer | unsafe-physical-environment
event Type of the event itself in relation to the subject
location Location where adverse event occurred
recorder Who recorded the adverse event
resultingcondition Effect on the subject due to this event
seriousness Seriousness of the event
severity mild | moderate | severe
study AdverseEvent.study
substance Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event
asserter Source of the information about the allergy
clinical-status active | inactive | resolved
code Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance
criticality low | high | unable-to-assess
last-date (exact) Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
manifestation Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event
onset (exact) Date(/time) when manifestations showed
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
route How the subject was exposed to the substance
verification-status unconfirmed | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error
actor Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment
appointment-type The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)
based-on The service request this appointment is allocated to assess
part-status The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.
practitioner One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner
reason-code Coded reason this appointment is scheduled
reason-reference Reason the appointment is to take place (resource)
service-category A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment
service-type The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment
slot The slots that this appointment is filling
specialty The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment
supporting-info Additional information to support the appointment
appointment The appointment that the response is attached to
action Type of action performed during the event
address Identifier for the network access point of the user device
agent Identifier of who
agent-name Human friendly name for the agent
agent-role Agent role in the event
altid Alternative User identity
entity Specific instance of resource
entity-name Descriptor for entity
entity-role What role the entity played
entity-type Type of entity involved
outcome Whether the event succeeded or failed
policy Policy that authorized event
site Logical source location within the enterprise
source The identity of source detecting the event
subtype More specific type/id for the event
author Who created
created (exact) When created
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
morphology Kind of Structure
composition The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "document" - this is a composition, and this parameter provides access to search its contents
message The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "message" - this is a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents
timestamp (exact) When the bundle was assembled
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
fhirversion The version of FHIR
format formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)
guide Implementation guides supported
mode Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)
resource Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement
resource-profile A profile id invoked in a capability statement
security-service OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates
software Part of the name of a software application
supported-profile Profiles for use cases supported
activity-code Detail type of activity
activity-date (exact) Specified date occurs within period specified by CarePlan.activity.detail.scheduled[x]
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
activity-reference Activity details defined in specific resource
care-team Who's involved in plan?
condition Health issues this plan addresses
encounter Encounter created as part of
goal Desired outcome of plan
instantiates-canonical Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
instantiates-uri Instantiates external protocol or definition
intent proposal | plan | order | option
part-of Part of referenced CarePlan
performer Matches if the practitioner is listed as a performer in any of the "simple" activities. (For performers of the detailed activities, chain through the activitydetail search parameter.)
replaces CarePlan replaced by this CarePlan
participant Who is involved
account Account to place this charge
entered-date (exact) Date the charge item was entered
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
enterer Individual who was entering
factor-override Factor overriding the associated rules
occurrence (exact) When the charged service was applied
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
performer-actor Individual who was performing
performer-function What type of performance was done
performing-organization Organization providing the charged service
price-override Price overriding the associated rules
quantity Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced
requesting-organization Organization requesting the charged service
service Which rendered service is being charged?
detail-udi UDI associated with a line item, detail product or service
facility Facility where the products or services have been or will be provided
insurer The target payor/insurer for the Claim
item-udi UDI associated with a line item product or service
payee The party receiving any payment for the Claim
priority Processing priority requested
procedure-udi UDI associated with a procedure
provider Provider responsible for the Claim
subdetail-udi UDI associated with a line item, detail, subdetail product or service
use The kind of financial resource
disposition The contents of the disposition message
payment-date (exact) The expected payment date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
request The claim reference
requestor The Provider of the claim
assessor The clinician performing the assessment
finding-code What was found
finding-ref What was found
investigation Record of a specific investigation
previous Reference to last assessment
problem Relevant impressions of patient state
content-mode not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement
language A language in which a designation is provided
supplements Find code system supplements for the referenced code system
system The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')
medium A channel of communication
received (exact) When received
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
recipient Message recipient
sender Message sender
sent (exact) When sent
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
authored (exact) When request transitioned to being actionable
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
group-identifier Composite request this is part of
requester Who/what is requesting service
attester Who attested the composition
confidentiality As defined by affinity domain
entry A reference to data that supports this section
related-id Target of the relationship
related-ref Target of the relationship
section Classification of section (recommended)
dependson Reference to property mapping depends on
other canonical reference to an additional ConceptMap to use for mapping if the source concept is unmapped
product Reference to property mapping depends on
source-code Identifies element being mapped
source-system Source system where concepts to be mapped are defined
source-uri The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped
target The target value set which provides context for the mappings
target-code Code that identifies the target element
target-system Target system that the concepts are to be mapped to
target-uri The target value set which provides context for the mappings
abatement-age Abatement as age or age range
abatement-date (exact) Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
abatement-string Abatement as a string
body-site Anatomical location, if relevant
evidence Manifestation/symptom
evidence-detail Supporting information found elsewhere
onset-age Onsets as age or age range
onset-date (exact) Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
onset-info Onsets as a string
recorded-date (exact) Date record was first recorded
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
stage Simple summary (disease specific)
consentor Who is agreeing to the policy and rules
data The actual data reference
organization Custodian of the consent
purpose Context of activities covered by this rule
scope Which of the four areas this resource covers (extensible)
security-label Security Labels that define affected resources
source-reference Search by reference to a Consent, DocumentReference, Contract or QuestionnaireResponse
authority The authority of the contract
domain The domain of the contract
instantiates A source definition of the contract
issued (exact) The date/time the contract was issued
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
signer Contract Signatory Party
beneficiary Covered party
class-type Coverage class (eg. plan, group)
class-value Value of the class (eg. Plan number, group number)
dependent Dependent number
payor The identity of the insurer or party paying for services
policy-holder Reference to the policyholder
subscriber Reference to the subscriber
identified (exact) When identified
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
implicated Problem resource
device-name A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type.
din The donation identification number (DIN)
manufacturer The manufacturer of the device
model The model of the device
udi-carrier UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format.
udi-di The udi Device Identifier (DI)
parent The parent DeviceDefinition resource
authored-on (exact) When the request transitioned to being actionable
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
device Reference to resource that is being requested/ordered
event-date (exact) When service should occur
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
insurance Associated insurance coverage
prior-request Request takes the place of referenced completed or terminated requests
assessed-condition Condition assessed by genetic test
conclusion A coded conclusion (interpretation/impression) on the report
media A reference to the image source.
result Link to an atomic result (observation resource)
results-interpreter Who was the source of the report
specimen The specimen details
item Items in manifest
authenticator Who/what authenticated the document
contenttype Mime type of the content, with charset etc.
custodian Organization which maintains the document
related Related identifiers or resources
relatesto Target of the relationship
relation replaces | transforms | signs | appends
relationship Combination of relation and relatesTo
setting Additional details about where the content was created (e.g. clinical specialty)
class Classification of patient encounter
diagnosis The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
episode-of-care Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
length Length of encounter in days
location-period (exact) Time period during which the patient was present at the location
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
participant-type Role of participant in encounter
service-provider The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
special-arrangement Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.
connection-type Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection
payload-type The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)
care-manager Care manager/care coordinator for the patient
incoming-referral Incoming Referral Request
claim The reference to the claim
coverage The plan under which the claim was adjudicated
sex A search by a sex code of a family member
achievement-status in-progress | improving | worsening | no-change | achieved | sustaining | not-achieved | no-progress | not-attainable
lifecycle-status proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected
start-date (exact) When goal pursuit begins
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
target-date (exact) Reach goal on or before
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
start Type of resource at which the graph starts
actual Descriptive or actual
characteristic Kind of characteristic
characteristic-value A composite of both characteristic and value
exclude Group includes or excludes
managing-entity Entity that is the custodian of the Group's definition
member Reference to the group member
value Value held by characteristic
active The Healthcare Service is currently marked as active
coverage-area Location(s) service is intended for/available to
endpoint Technical endpoints providing access to electronic services operated for the healthcare service
program One of the Programs supported by this HealthcareService
basedon The order for the image
bodysite The body site studied
dicom-class The type of the instance
instance SOP Instance UID for an instance
interpreter Who interpreted the images
modality The modality of the series
reason The reason for the study
referrer The referring physician
series DICOM Series Instance UID for a series
started (exact) When the study was started
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
lot-number Vaccine Lot Number
reaction Additional information on reaction
reaction-date (exact) When reaction started
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
status-reason Reason why the vaccine was not administered
target-disease The target disease the dose is being administered against
vaccine-code Vaccine Product Administered
dose-status The status of the dose relative to published recommendations
immunization-event The vaccine administration event being evaluated
information Patient observations supporting recommendation
support Past immunizations supporting recommendation
vaccine-type Vaccine or vaccine group recommendation applies to
experimental For testing purposes, not real usage
global Profile that all resources must conform to
address-city A city specified in an address
address-country A country specified in an address
address-postalcode A postal code specified in an address
address-state A state specified in an address
address-use A use code specified in an address
administered-by Product administrator
owned-by An organization of which this organization forms a part
phonetic A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
issuer Issuing Organization of Invoice
participant-role Type of involvement in creation of this Invoice
totalgross Gross total of this Invoice
totalnet Net total of this Invoice
content-type The type of content in the library (e.g. text/cql)
empty-reason Why list is empty
notes The annotation - text content (as markdown)
near Search for locations where the location.position is near to, or within a specified distance of, the provided coordinates expressed as [latitude]|[longitude]|[distance]|[units] (using the WGS84 datum, see notes). If the units are omitted, then kms should be assumed. If the distance is omitted, then the server can use its own discretion as to what distances should be considered near (and units are irrelevant) Servers may search using various techniques that might have differing accuracies, depending on implementation efficiency. Requires the near-distance parameter to be provided also
operational-status Searches for locations (typically bed/room) that have an operational status (e.g. contaminated, housekeeping)
partof A location of which this location is a part
evaluated-resource An evaluated resource referenced by the measure report
measure The measure to return measure report results for
reporter The reporter to return measure report results for
operator The person who generated the image
view Imaging view, e.g. Lateral or Antero-posterior
expiration-date (exact) Returns medications in a batch with this expiration date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
form Returns medications for a specific dose form
ingredient Returns medications for this ingredient reference
ingredient-code Returns medications for this ingredient code
effective-time (exact) Date administration happened (or did not happen)
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
medication Return administrations of this medication resource
reason-given Reasons for administering the medication
reason-not-given Reasons for not administering the medication
destination Returns dispenses that should be sent to a specific destination
prescription The identity of a prescription to list dispenses from
receiver The identity of a receiver to list dispenses for
responsibleparty Returns dispenses with the specified responsible party
whenhandedover (exact) Returns dispenses handed over on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
whenprepared (exact) Returns dispenses prepared on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
classification Specific category assigned to the medication
classification-type The type of category for the medication (for example, therapeutic classification, therapeutic sub-classification)
doseform powder | tablets | capsule +
monitoring-program-name Name of the reviewing program
monitoring-program-type Type of program under which the medication is monitored
monograph Associated documentation about the medication
monograph-type The category of medication document
source-cost The source or owner for the price information
authoredon (exact) Return prescriptions written on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
intended-dispenser Returns prescriptions intended to be dispensed by this Organization
intended-performer Returns the intended performer of the administration of the medication request
intended-performertype Returns requests for a specific type of performer
name-language Language code for this name
country The country in which the marketing authorization has been granted
holder Marketing Authorization Holder
target-species Coded expression for the species
focus A resource that is a permitted focus of the message
destination-uri Actual destination address or id
response-id Id of original message
responsible Final responsibility for event
chromosome Chromosome number of the reference sequence
chromosome-variant-coordinate Search parameter by chromosome and variant coordinate. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `chromosome-variant-coordinate=1$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with variants on chromosome 1 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region 1:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region 1:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
chromosome-window-coordinate Search parameter by chromosome and window. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `chromosome-window-coordinate=1$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with a window on chromosome 1 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region 1:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region 1:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
referenceseqid Reference Sequence of the sequence
referenceseqid-variant-coordinate Search parameter by reference sequence and variant coordinate. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `referenceSeqId-variant-coordinate=NC_000001.11$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with variants on NC_000001.11 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
referenceseqid-window-coordinate Search parameter by reference sequence and window. This will refer to part of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system. Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `referenceSeqId-window-coordinate=NC_000001.11$lt345$gt123`, this means it will search for the MolecularSequence resource with a window on NC_000001.11 and with position >123 and <345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:124-344 will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region NC_000001.11:123-344 will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above.
variant-end End position (0-based exclusive, which menas the acid at this position will not be included, 1-based inclusive, which means the acid at this position will be included) of the variant.
variant-start Start position (0-based inclusive, 1-based inclusive, that means the nucleic acid or amino acid at this position will be included) of the variant.
window-end End position (0-based exclusive, which menas the acid at this position will not be included, 1-based inclusive, which means the acid at this position will be included) of the reference sequence.
window-start Start position (0-based inclusive, 1-based inclusive, that means the nucleic acid or amino acid at this position will be included) of the reference sequence.
contact Name of an individual to contact
id-type oid | uuid | uri | other
kind codesystem | identifier | root
telecom Contact details for individual or organization
additive Type of module component to add to the feeding
datetime (exact) Return nutrition orders requested on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
formula Type of enteral or infant formula
oraldiet Type of diet that can be consumed orally (i.e., take via the mouth).
supplement Type of supplement product requested
amino-acid-change HGVS Protein Change
code-value-concept Code and coded value parameter pair
code-value-date Code and date/time value parameter pair
code-value-quantity Code and quantity value parameter pair
code-value-string Code and string value parameter pair
combo-code The code of the observation type or component type
combo-code-value-concept Code and coded value parameter pair, including in components
combo-code-value-quantity Code and quantity value parameter pair, including in components
combo-data-absent-reason The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] or Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
combo-value-concept The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
combo-value-quantity The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
component-code The component code of the observation type
component-code-value-concept Component code and component coded value parameter pair
component-code-value-quantity Component code and component quantity value parameter pair
component-data-absent-reason The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
component-value-concept The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
component-value-quantity The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
data-absent-reason The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
dna-variant search for extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariantName
gene-amino-acid-change HGNC gene symbol and HGVS Protein change
gene-dnavariant search for extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation-geneticsDNAVariantId
gene-identifier search for extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation-geneticsGene
has-member Related resource that belongs to the Observation group
method The method used for the observation
value-concept The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
value-date (exact) The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
value-quantity The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
value-string The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text
base Marks this as a profile of the base
input-profile Validation information for in parameters
output-profile Validation information for out parameters
email A value in an email contact
network Health insurance provider network in which the participatingOrganization provides the role's services (if defined) at the indicated locations (if defined)
participating-organization The organization that provides services to the primary organization
phone A value in a phone contact
primary-organization The organization that receives the services from the participating organization
role Definition of the role the participatingOrganization plays
age Searches for patients based on age as calculated based on current date and date of birth. Deceased patients are excluded from the search.
birthOrderBoolean Search based on whether a patient was part of a multiple birth or not.
birthdate (exact) The patient's date of birth
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
death-date (exact) The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
deceased This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered
family A portion of the family name of the patient
gender Gender of the patient
general-practitioner Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record
given A portion of the given name of the patient
link All patients linked to the given patient
mothersMaidenName Search based on patient's mother's maiden name
part-agree Search by url for a participation agreement, which is stored in a DocumentReference
payment-status The type of payment notice
response The ClaimResponse
payment-issuer The organization which generated this resource
relatedperson The Person links to this RelatedPerson
definition Activity or plan definitions used by plan definition
communication One of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with
agent-type How the agent participated
recorded (exact) When the activity was recorded / updated
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
signature-type Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
when (exact) When the activity occurred
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
subject-type Resource that can be subject of QuestionnaireResponse
item-subject Allows searching for QuestionnaireResponses by item value where the item has isSubject=true
questionnaire The questionnaire the answers are provided for
keyword Used to search for the study
principalinvestigator Researcher who oversees multiple aspects of the study
protocol Steps followed in executing study
sponsor Organization that initiates and is legally responsible for the study
individual Who is part of study
probability Likelihood of specified outcome
risk Likelihood of specified outcome as a qualitative value
component Defines how the part works
performer-type Performer role
requisition Composite Request ID
schedule The Schedule Resource that we are seeking a slot within
accession The accession number associated with the specimen
collected (exact) The date the specimen was collected
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
collector Who collected the specimen
container The kind of specimen container
container-id The unique identifier associated with the specimen container
abstract Whether the structure is abstract
base-path Path that identifies the base element
derivation specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition
ext-context The system is the URL for the context-type: e.g. http://hl7.org/fhir/extension-context-type#element|CodeableConcept.text
path A path that is constrained in the StructureDefinition
valueset A vocabulary binding reference
criteria The search rules used to determine when to send a notification
payload The mime-type of the notification payload
container-identifier Identifier of the package/container
expiry (exact) Expiry date of package or container of substance
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
substance-reference A component of the substance
supplier Dispenser
business-status Search by business status
modified (exact) Search by last modification date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
tester The name of the testing organization
testscript The test script executed to produce this report
testscript-capability TestScript required and validated capability
expansion Identifies the value set expansion (business identifier)
reference A code system included or excluded in the value set or an imported value set
datewritten (exact) Return prescriptions written on this date
(before) (before given date)
(after) (after given date)
prescriber Who authorized the vision prescription
familymemberhistorycondition Search for a history of a particular condition within a patient's family

Text Search for these words in the narrative. See [[http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142571.aspx]] for details
First Record (empty = start at the start)
# Records to return (default value, which is also max allowed, is 1000. Values of <2 not allowed)
Sort By
Summary: Return just a summary for each resource (if applicable)